
lunarvps具体哪一年开始运作主机业务我也没有搞清楚,不过域名2011年就注册了,当前主打荷兰数据中心的主机业务,包括VPS和独立服务器,通过对lunarvps的TOS浏览一遍之后我发现他们家居然没有说DMCA的问题,但是对于其他的一些明确禁止的东西倒是都提出来了;所以,如果有想法利用荷兰机房做点儿无视版权的事儿,可以先了解一下或者咨询下官方再说。lunarvps当前荷兰机房的VPS搞5折促销,续费不涨价,包括OpenVZ\KVM\windows VPS都参加促销;5折优惠码lifetime



Windows VPS

Name CPU 内存 IPv4 IPv6 硬盘 流量/月 端口 价格/月 购买
NLW-512 2 核 512 MB 1 /64 50 GB 2000 GB 1Gbps $7  购买链接
NLW-1024 4 核 1024 MB 1 /64 75 GB 3000 GB 1Gbps $13  购买链接
NLW-2048 4 核 2048 MB 1 /64 95 GB 4000 GB 1Gbps $22 购买链接
NLW-3072 4 核 3072 MB 1 /64 115 GB 4500 GB 1Gbps $32 购买链接
NLW-4096 4 核 4096 MB 1 /64 135 GB 5000 GB 1Gbps $42 购买链接
NLW-5120 4 核 5120 MB 1 /64 150 GB 5500 GB 1Gbps $52 购买链接
NLW-6144 4 核 6144 MB 1 /64 165 GB 6000 GB 1Gbps $62 购买链接
NLW-7168 4 核 7168 MB 1 /64 170 GB 6500 GB 1Gbps $72 购买链接
NLW-8192 4 核 8192 MB 1 /64 180 GB 7500 GB 1Gbps $82 购买链接
荷兰 OpenVZ VPS:





Prohibited Usage

A list of prohibited content can be found below, which includes but not limited to the following:

Scam Sites (ex: Ebay/Paypal,CC/Password Scam sites)
Child pornography
Virtual currency mining (such as bitcoin, primecoin etc)
Malware/virus/security exploit activities
Terrorist activities
Email spam
Port scanning, brute forcing or any other hacking attempts
DDoS/DoS/booters/network floods or similar network attacks activities
Anything than can result in Spamhaus listing
If any of the above are detected, your service(s) will be terminated or suspended without notice and no refund shall be granted. lunarvps reserves the right to provide no refund if any of the above activity is detected. Any threats made towards lunarvps or it’s staff will be forwarded to authorities.
